Friday, September 11, 2009

The ABCs of Privacy Practices for Educators, By Melissa J. Dark, Clewin McPherson, and Joanne Troutne

In this article it talks about how, “Over the last year the number of reported cases of confidential information lost because of stolen laptops, lost USB flash drives, misplaced PDAs and simple human error has significantly increased.“ it also tells you what kinds of things should be protected and how to protect. The article goes through the steps that you need to do to protect your information and they children’s information. The two major documents that a teacher need to protect are word and excel documents and any personal information that one has about a student. You should also make sure that you have a back up system for anything that you do. For example, when doing your grades they recommend that you input them on the computer and keep a hand written form of it also. This will insure you that if the computers are down or if the computer is hacked into you still have a written form of your grades or any other kind of information. As time goes by and we use more and more technology we as teachers will need to make sure that we keep the information of the children confidential. They also talk about how one can send the information online to the parents and still be locked so that only the teacher and the parents can open it.

This is one of the most important things that a teacher needs to learn. How to make sure that the important and confidential information does not get lost or hacked into. Every teacher and person should learn how to do this. As an educator all you can do is enforce it when you do grades and important information that need to be stored. This will help you make sure that you don’t lose information and that you protect the important information. This is something that is not hard to learn and all teachers should do this. Having the information secure and in proper place will make us not have to think about paper work and grades, but instead we can focus on teaching. 


  1. This is an intreging article, it's brings up a topic thst I hadn't even thought about yet. Yet it so important to keeping student confidentiality. You mentioned something about sending emails to parents with locked information - how does that work? I would love to find out how to do that. Also, while reading your article I was thinking about other forms of security for technology, I'm currently looking into purchasing a new laptop and I thought of how some laptops now come with fingerprint readers; I wonder how that security system work for keeping things safe and wether or not it helps against hacking. It sounds like this was a great article, and know it's something I will hav e to start thinking about. Good Job!

  2. Very interesting article! That is a huge concern not only with teachers but also with students. Losing data and information can be very detrimental to your grade as a student and grading from a teacher's standpoint. Even today, I always save copies of my work on a USB drive, my desktop, an e-mailed version along with a hard copy printed out! Aside from grades, it is very crucial that we keep the student's information confidential.I think it is very common today for teacher's to use a database where parents can easily log into an account and visually see his or her child's performance. I see this going to a much higher standard and greater opportunities in the future.

  3. I found this to be very interesting because phishing is a very serious problem today. Now that technology has taken us to a new level of communicating and transporting personal information, it is very important for us to be safe and protect our own private information. When we are teachers, it will also be our responsibility to teach our students how to protect their information.
